75 Maloneys Dr, Maloneys Beach NSW 2536, Australia

75 Maloneys Dr, Maloneys Beach NSW 2536, Australia

Electrical Installation in Hazardous Areas

Electrical Installation in Hazardous Areas

Hazardous Areas Electrical Job Recently we were called out to perform a hazardous areas job in Batemans Bay. As leading level 2 electricians in the area, we were happy to get the call. Hazardous area electricans are a cut above the usual with special training to...
Sewerage Pump Station Switchboard

Sewerage Pump Station Switchboard

Mogo Sewerage Pump Station Electrical Work We have just hooked up another Sewerage Pumping Station Switchboard in Mogo. We have already completed 3 of these jobs and have another 2 to go. These are important for the community and we are please to be a part of this...