75 Maloneys Dr, Maloneys Beach NSW 2536, Australia

75 Maloneys Dr, Maloneys Beach NSW 2536, Australia

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Baycoast FAQ page where we’ve compiled a list of common inquiries and concerns related to our Level 2 Electrician services in Batemans Bay. We understand that when it comes to electrical issues and needs, you may have some questions or may be curious about some of the work we do. 

From safety concerns to service details, we’ve done our best to answer everything here. If, however, you find that your question isn’t addressed, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re committed to providing the highest level of customer service and ensuring that your electrical needs are met with utmost satisfaction. Let’s get your questions answered!

What Services do Level 2 Electricians provide?

Here are the following services our level 2 electricians provide:

  • Repair and maintenance of a commercial or residential property’s electrical system
  • Deliver electrical solutions for overhead and underground electrical systems
  • Perform electrical emergencies
  • Work on problems on the electrical supply network
  • Replace faulty wiring systems and circuit breakers
  • Install and replace GFCIs (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters)
  • Extend existing electrical networks
  • Install metering for newly constructed buildings
  • Provide temporary power for construction projects
  • Repair and maintain flickering and dimming street lights
  • Disconnect and reconnect electricity supply from the network to the residence

Contact Baycoast Electrical and Control solutions to arrange a level 2 electrician in the South Coast to assist you today.

What is a Level 2 Electrician?
A Level 2 electrician is an ASP-qualified tradesman authorised to perform complex and straightforward electrical tasks and uphold a higher level of license in performing electrical work.
How much will level 2 electrical services cost me?

Level 2 electricians undergo training of a higher degree, so rates are charged accordingly. In addition, level 2 electricians’ services cost slightly higher due to a few factors:

  • As an ASP-certified tradesman, level 2 electricians carry safety tools with expiration dates mandated by the law.
  • Level 2 electricians are required to go through an annual refresher training to comply with current safety regulations.
  • For every job they complete, level 2 electricians pay audit fees to the supply authority.
  • Level 2 electricians have individual licenses for each supply authority they work with.
  • Hiring a level 2 electrician includes public liability insurance to cover the supply authority’s electricity network and assets.

For more information on our pricing, feel free to consult any one of our level 2 electricians at Baycoast Electrical and Control Solutions at 0433 083 013 or 0415 754 270.

Why are Baycoast Electrical and Control Solutions a trusted Level 2 services provider?
Baycoast completes any electrical work according to your specifications. So no matter the problem, you can confidently trust our team of skilled tradesmen to complete any electrical job for you. We have completed several projects in the past, and we work closely with fellow experts to provide excellent results. Plus, our Level 2 electricians are available any time of the day or night, prepared to come to your aid immediately. If you are looking for a leading electrical service provider on the South Coast, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We’ll arrange a level 2 electrician to assist you with your electrical problems today. 

For more information on our pricing, feel free to consult any one of our level 2 electricians at Baycoast Electrical and Control Solutions at 0433 083 013 or 0415 754 270.

Why are Baycoast Electrical and Control Solutions a trusted Level 2 services provider?

Baycoast completes any electrical work according to your specifications. So no matter the problem, you can confidently trust our team of skilled tradesmen to complete any electrical job for you. We have completed several projects in the past, and we work closely with fellow experts to provide excellent results. Plus, our Level 2 electricians are available any time of the day or night, prepared to come to your aid immediately.

If you are looking for a leading electrical service provider on the South Coast, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We’ll arrange a level 2 electrician to assist you with your electrical problems today.